Looking Forward
Providing Confidence, Connection, and Support to people ages 60 and older.

Introducing Baker Senior Center Naples, formerly Naples Senior Center.
We provide crucial services that give Confidence, Connection and Support to people ages 60 and older living in Collier and southern Lee counties, embracing all backgrounds, religions, beliefs, and financial statuses.
We have been Looking Forward since 2014.
Our Services
Our credentialed staff and dedicated volunteers deliver a unique breadth of life-enhancing experiences in a safe and nurturing environment.
Geriatric Mental Health Counseling
Support for challenges from aging and cognitive decline to grief, depression, and anxiety.
Brookdale Cognitive Health
Specialist help with early memory loss at weekly structured dementia respite groups for people with early memory loss, as well as mild to moderate stage dementia.
Geriatric Case Management
Helping seniors combat loneliness and isolation, with the socialization and support they need to age safely in place.

Member Programs
Our member programs are available to adults 60+ to socialize, stay active, and learn, giving them the tools to address life’s shifting challenges.
Join us for a wide range of stimulating, inclusive programs from our weekly hot lunch for 400, to arts and culture, wellness, and smartphone and computer instruction.
Already a member?
Sign in to MyActiveCenter to join one of our programs.
Become a member
Stop by the Center to apply or contact Amanda Ignasak at info@bakerseniorcenternaples.org or 239-325-4444.

Support us
When you support Baker Senior Center Naples, you are providing vitally important Confidence, Connection, and Support to seniors living in Collier and southern Lee counties.
Watch our Gala videos here